Tuesday, October 18, 2016

By Trump's Fruits You Shall Know Him

(Photo from Pinterest )

Last year, Warren Buffett gave over 2 Billion dollars to charity, but still paid 16 Million in taxes.  He plans to give away all but 1% of his wealth before he dies.  He says that 1% will be enough for his children to be able to do all that they want to do, but won't allow them to do nothing.  

He has stated that it is unpatriotic (not smart) to pay no taxes. He thinks it's unfair that he pays a lower percentage of his income for taxes than his secretary. 

He urges other Billionaires to give away more than they need, as he is doing.  And he gives to real charities, very large ones with the highest ratings like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.  He has also stated what is important to him is his health, and his friends.  

Warren Buffett has shown love of family, the joy of giving, peace and patience in his business dealings, kindness and goodness to friends and strangers - and self-control stronger than the pull of power or wealth.   

He has offered to make his taxes for the last several years public, if Trump will - pointing out that he, too is also currently under audit.  
Trump declined to make his taxes public, for the same tired reason that he's being audited. But it's just a little audit compared to Buffet's much larger audit.  Pretty obvious the audit isn't the reason.

We could give Trump the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe he doesn't understand the tax laws very well - or maybe he feels intimidated because Buffet is worth about 16 times more than he is? Poor guy.

Judging by these pictures (courtesy of the Huffington Post) - which of these two looks full of good fruits, and which one looks like he's full of sour grapes?  They say a picture's worth a thousand words...

Funny thing. Buffett looks happier about giving his money away than Trump does about keeping it!  Maybe Buffett really does value people more than $$$.

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