If you seek the facts, they will come. Yesterday, we got a copy of "The Nation" magazine in the mail.
Hillary Clinton supporters will learn nothing new, but to have all the facts (or conspiracies, if you are a Trump supporter) in one place, was shocking to me. Here's some key points in each of the articles about Clinton and/or Trump:
Hillary Clinton for President, the first article is important, especially for Bernie Sanders followers to be comfortable with drifting Slightly South from the True North of Progressive Idealism. It reminds us that Donald Trump is undeniably, factually recorded and documented as being for:
-mass deportations;
-the creation of stool pigeons and informants to support the mass deportations - reminiscent of Communist Russia's reign of fear fueled by neighbor reporting on neighbor, during the Cold War;
-national stop and frisk;
-the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, with no plan for replacement; Been sick lately? RU Rich?
-thinking it's "smart" to not pay taxes - but Warren Buffet thinks it's unfair - and, of all things - he's wealthier by far than Donald Trump;
-the logical conflict between Buffet and Trump results in only one conclusion - in Trump's world, it's "dumb to be fair". Been cheated lately? How'd it feel?
-hobbled unions;
-evaporating, disappearing pensions;
-the cutting back of "already too high" wages;
-defunding planned parenthood, abandoning care for the mother and her unborn child or children;
-the denial of climate change and the need for alternative sources of energy;
-the burning of more fossil fuels;
-strangling incentives for renewable/solar energy development;
-the removal of protections for air and water purity; (been to Hong Kong, Bei Jing lately?)
-building the wall! wall! wall! wall! wall! wall! wall! wall! wall! wall!
-targeting families of suspected terrorists (guilty before proven innocent) essentially 'locking them up' without a trial;
- the idea that, "We're going to have to do things that are unthinkable" (waterboarding is gentle fun?)
-consistently setting the stage for Religious hatred, strife and wars;
-sharply increased military spending (To the Joy of the Military/Industrial complex)
-promises to keep Guantanamo open and to load it up with "Bad Dudes" - but I think Trump looks like a "Bad Dude" - does that count? (refer to the cover after this boring, long list of crazy ideas);
-expanding use of drones in overseas conflicts, (prelude to control of internal conflicts);
-reneging on normalization of USA/Cuban relations;
-unraveling the Nuclear deal with Iran;
-greatly and grossly promoting the insulting of women;
-questioning the patriotism of Mexican and Muslim Americans - even though they ARE Americans;
-inciting the hatred of refugees;
-mocking a handicapped journalist;
-stating that election is "rigged"-unless he wins;
-praising strong leaders like Putin and Hitler? Good Dictators "kill" their opposition or lock them up.
-coming up with the "what have you got to lose?" idea.
There's much more. It's obvious that voting for hope and change doesn't always deliver hope and change - I think we all can agree on that! What we have to lose is at the very least, time. This is a partial list. If you got the magazine in the mail like I did, I challenge you to wade through the articles I'm listing here. If you're a Trump supporter, you'll be better prepared to counter the opposition after reading them. Likewise for Clinton Supporters. Independents - you're out of luck. Not much here for you. The rest of the articles about Trump and/or Clinton are listed below.
The Debate We Need is an article that objectively seeks and finds a few of Trump's ideas that may have merit. There are two. Read the article.
The Case for Hillary is an article stating Hillary is more than the "Lesser Evil" of the candidates.
She is actually for a number of good things, and has some policies. For instance, she is for:
-reproductive rights (a woman has some choice and control over her own body and what it has to go through);
-health care;
-voting rights;
-children and families;
-criminal justice (the end of profiling);
-worker's rights (discriminatory practices and protections for pre-existing contracts);
-raising taxes for the Rich, instead of the Poor;
-diplomacy and peace through foreign Policies, the result of learning in the college of experience;
-appointment of Supreme Court justices that are objective and qualified;
-gun control;
equal pay for women;
-taking actions globally to combat global warming and provide clean air for our children's children.
The Hillary Effect is a brief article noting the resurgence of unhinged sexism, currently being effectively sponsored by Trump' who is sexism's current mouthpiece.
A Poem by Calvin Trillin. It's brevity is elegant.
"A Blowhard's ID is revealed by one sign;
How quickly the boasting turns into a whine.
Vandal in Chief is an article by Adam Haslett that touches on some of my 'hot buttons'. The article points out that:
- the problem isn't Trump; it is that there is anyone that will support him;
-"Whether Trump wins or loses, the purposeful degrading of our political culture will intensify";
-unless Democrats are clear-eyed about what is happening, they are as doomed as a boxer at a knife fight;
- Trump's style is to make shame into a weapon, then stab away with careless abandon.
The Making of Donald Trump - an article by Cay Johnston, states that his success is that "of a business career built on breaking, ignoring, or making up rules."
The full scope of the articles is too long to cover, but the graphic below, taken from the October 24th cover of "The Nation" , comes close to showing the number of topics discussed. Read about it. Get informed. Above all, vote, especially if you've never voted before. This might be your last chance ;).
Personally, I like to think he's nicer than this. Read the facts, and judge for yourself. Vote.
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