Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Trump is Boring!

In an interview aired today on CBS, Kellyanne Conway said she doesn't believe there will be voter fraud and that the 'rigged' election comments just referred to the ever-present few journalists that are biased for one candidate or another in their presentations.  Good for her.  

When asked how Trump would reply if asked about the steady flow of sexual assault allegations, she said she hoped he would 'pivot' away from that and speak about Topics and Policies that are more meaningful to the voters.  Good for her, again.

Since Trump has been so predictable to this point, and none of us have our heads spinning from how Presidential he has become, I am willing to make some pedictions.

First of all, let me dispense with the hope that he might talk about Policies.  He might say he'll 'fix everything' after a lengthy attack on Clinton for breaking everything.  But he won't say how.  Fixing global problems requires understanding the complexity of the problems and pursuing united diplomatic steps with other countries - not making unilateral 'deals'.  Dictators make unilateral 'deals' and 'know more' than their Generals.

So let's say Hillary responds by hitting Trump with a question about Diplomacy - about Russia, and how he would handle bringing Russia around to working with us, instead of against us, in the Assad regime. Trump's response would predictably be to blame Hillary for starting the war, pointing out that also, by the way, her husband cheated on her. Harder and lower - but what would that have to do with the question?  And we've all heard it dozens of times before. 


So let's say Hillary stays high and sticks to topics - but, since Trump has brought her husband's infidelity up, asks if he plans to apologize to the women that he has assaulted.  Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?  

Sadly, by now, we have all forgotten about the topic of how to solve the Middle East Crisis, and now we are tempted to plug our ears, knowing what is coming.  Trump's 'pivot' will predictably be to claim absolute innocence and to blame Hillary for starting the war, pointing out that also, by the way, her husband cheated on her and she should be locked up for the war crimes she committed as Secretary of State during the Benghazi attack.  Of course, we all saw that 'pivot' coming, too. Hit back Harder and Lower. Always. And always with the same, predictable, old moves.


I'm not going to descend any lower into how the night will probably continue to go.  I don't think we'll hear anything new, no matter how new the question. No matter what question is asked, the same old "Boring Trump" will perform his few well-rehearsed attack lines, like a street fighter that only knows how to hit below the belt.  We've heard them all so many times before - tweeted and re-tweeted and re-re-tweeeted.


I thought Trump was an entertainer.

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